RKS 2024 Film: “The Arrival”: Intense and Impeccable


By Robert K. Stephen | September 19, 2024, originally published in Set the Bar

In a Manhattan bar a reporter, an elementary school art teacher, a law school student, a potential victim of a date drug rape , a struggling playwright, a wealthy Cornell University dropout and a bitter and frustrated bartendress wanabee an actress on Oxy converge.

They are awaiting the arrival of River Dupont (Nikolas Elrifi). The date rape victim (Poya Mohseni) and her friend a law student believe River Dupont is the date drug rapist. The bartendress Ember Net (Vivian Helvajian) is awaiting River Dupont her drug dealing boyfriend.  The reporter senses a story and her friend having completed an ancestry test awaits River Dupont believing he is her brother. The playwright Lincoln Lane (Nick Humparyan) waits for inspiration.

Be prepared for a film somewhat along the line of a murder mystery. River Dupont could be different things to different people and perhaps even a rapist and all eyes are on him and pending his arrival interesting stories, fears and ambitions percolate from fascinating conversations of those waiting for his arrival

The film is all about dialogue and there is no room for amateurs here. In this regard the casting is impeccable.  Helvajian an actress one senses is waiting to bust out to stardom delivers a riveting performance that ranges convincingly from comedic to tragic. Humparyan also excels as a quiet but forceful and dynamic character.

Directed by Alyssa Rallo Bennett and was released on VOD 17September2024.

You can see the trailer here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpn5gl39kBk

RKS 2024 Film Rating 93/100.

Source: https://setthebarlifestyle.wordpress.com/2...